Kevin Keenan is Brother Dude
I’m Kevin Keenan and I’ve spent my entire adult life working in ministry. After college I began working in Youth Ministry. I worked in 2 different churches over 6 years and I got to do ministry with some of the coolest cats I know. It was a pretty righteous gig!
In 2021, I felt that God was calling me into Missions. So I went to Krogis, Germany for the summer to attend the Steiger Missions School. Pictured here are all the Americans that attended the school. Go USA. And follow this link for more info about Steiger >>>
At the Missions school, we spent much of our time in worship, prayer and Bible study. We believe that the first, and most important thing when it comes to missions is seeking God. We can’t do this without Him!
After much preparation, we would spend our weekends out on the streets making connections with people using music, art, dance, flash mobs and some good old fashioned conversation. We are constantly looking for ways to share the Gospel in a new and relevant way.
After my time in the Missions School, I decided to join Steiger and work toward becoming a full-time missionary. So I went to Houston, TX where I joined the emerging ‘Steiger City Team’. There are city teams all over the world.
A Steiger City Team is a team of full-time missionaries operating in a certain city. Like at the school, we make sure to spend as much time as possible seeking God, through worship, prayer and Bible study. We need Him to lead us in the mission.
A City Team spends a lot of time out in public looking for ways to meet and connect with people. We want to build relationships with unbelievers outside of the church so that we can share the Gospel with them.
Here in a public park, a new friend prays to accept Jesus after we shared the Gospel with him!
A City Team will also do community outreach through art and music. I had the chance to play some songs at a local cafe. I did my best to preach the Gospel through my performance. After the show, the team spoke to and prayed with many people!
One of the coolest things that a Steiger City Team does is offer what we call “Bible Study for the Non-Religious”. Whenever we start to establish a relationship with someone who is non-religious, we will invite them to attend. We choose a neutral location outside of the church like a coffee shop, and we structure the study in a way that encourages attendees to ask honest questions they may have about Jesus – the more they get to know about who Jesus really is, the more they want to have a relationship with him. God moves powerfully at these Bible studies!
Another thing that a City Team does is establish connections with local churches. In these churches we hold workshops and trainings about how the church can engage in local missions. Many Christians we meet in these churches are eager to put their faith into action and go tell their city about Jesus!
Ultimately, the goal of a Steiger City Team is to build relationships in both the secular culture and the local church and be the bridge between the two. It is amazing to see people respond to the message of the Gospel and begin their journey of following Jesus. Thank you for making it all the way to the end of the slideshow!