“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Colossians 3:17
Being a missionary with Steiger International is perhaps a much different experience than the typical missionary lifestyle. I mean its mission work, we’re trying to reach people with the Gospel, but it has a certain edge to it.
You see, Steiger was birthed in the 1980’s by a man named David Pierce who wanted to reach the punks and misfits in the city of Amsterdam. He decided to start his own punk rock band so that they could go into the bars and clubs, play their songs and then boldly preach the Gospel from the stage. The band became known as “No Longer Music” because after one of the shows, a spectator observed that the music was so wild and so punk rock that indeed it may no longer even be music! God is very powerful and very creative and this way of reaching the lost turned out to be incredibly effective. Punks and anarchists heard the Gospel in a language and context that they actually understood. No Longer Music is all about connecting people to the Gospel in new and fresh way.
No Longer Music is still active to this day, and the performance has changed quite a bit since the early days. Now the show includes music, art, drama, theater, etc… but the concept is still the same – reaching those outside of the church in a relevant way.
Every summer, No Longer Music goes on an international tour, performing and portraying the Gospel to many thousands of people. And this year, I have the opportunity to be a part of it. When I first received the invitation to be on the team, I was thrilled because as a musician who loves Jesus, it seemed like the perfect fit for me. I immediately started practicing guitar more rigorously as to be ready for rehearsals. But if you have walked with God for even a short time, you probably know that he is full of surprises and usually his plans turn out to be quite different from our own.
I arrived at the first day of rehearsals for the upcoming tour and one of the leaders sat down with me and Michelle, another newbie to the team. Our leader began to explain to us that after thoughtful prayer and consideration, we had been chosen to be the leads in the drama portion of the show… My heart sank and I did everything in my power to remain calm and resist panic. But within me I was screaming, “I have never been in a drama or theater performance in my life! I’m a musician! Why on earth would I be chosen for such a role???” Upon hearing this news, I was very frustrated, because drama and theater just isn’t my style. But something I’m learning all the time in missions is that it simply is not about me, it is about God and reaching his lost sheep.
So, I’ve decided to go for it. I accepted the challenge of being a part of the drama, and have begun awkwardly learning and practicing the part I am to play. And when I say awkwardly, I really mean it… But I keep hearing Colossians 3:17 echoing in my mind and it gives me what I need to keep going. Whatever I do, whether music or drama, I will do it in the name of my Lord Jesus, and I will give thanks to God the Father through him.
Thank you, God, for giving me a part in this mission!
Here’s a sneak peak at my awkward dancing…